Food for Animals be cut and pasting all up in my face

I know I am moving up in the world when I have to work weekends (right?)… but damnit, this weekend will be a lot of work. On the plus side, for everyone else, Food for Animals is playing a show tonite @ ICC Performance Hall (557 Cambridge St.) Dunno what time. Big whatever to Allston area. But Food for Animals be cut and pasting all up in my face… and I don’t even enjoy much new music. Big ups to Vulture Voltaire (Andrew) & Ricky Rabbit (Ricky Rabbit?)!

Kevin Smith has posted serious spoilers to the Revenge of the Sith on his blog. Basically, it’s that Kenobi slices and dices off all Anakin’s arms and legs, leaving him dying, spitting verbal venom, in a river of lava…. and that’s how Anakin becomes the half man/ half machine, aka Darth Vader. Good work, Lucas….. you coony old hedge hog…

I am working with my business partner on certain developments for the future of the space here, including a new half-naked picture of me! All eyes on biz.

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