Innocent When You Dream

I spent the day with my aunt’s spaniel, and tapped into my inner canine.

Wild eyed and wily

Roxie and I played with and broke her rubber squeak toy called a “Wubba.” We tore it in half during an intense tug of war. In these pictures we are play-fighting over a pink furry dog-snake.

Googly eyes oggles me snarling

Battling over alpha status is exhausting. We compromised; I would accept my role as beta dog if Roxie allowed me take a nap.

Snoozing with my cutie

2 thoughts on “Innocent When You Dream”

  1. Snoozing with my cutie?! That is the nursery rhyme of a Japanese anime version of the big badness that is the 3rdarm. Playing to a midi-rhythm. No cutie cake served here 3rdarm. Cutie pie only! Pie!

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