75LB halibut

75lb halibut 3rdarm frontera grill

Good day- Juan told me that I a positive contributor to the team. Beto the Mexican Frank Sinatra said I was handsome. Sosa and I started the Frontera cycling team. The 75 LB halibut shut his god damn trap. The dead fish made a big slash on the Internet.

2 thoughts on “75LB halibut”

  1. I am sorry that the fish died. I consider the 3rdarm to be the true big fish. Etta is also a big fish mermaid.

    Sleep sound and sweet! It has been a long day rolling over highway. Sleep will come fast.

  2. She is the gun fire
    She is the car crash
    She is the avalanche
    She is the thunder
    She is the waves and
    She pulls me under

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