The Balancing Center

3rdarm balancing center dan fedeli chicago arthur mullen nucca

I started seeing a chiropractor named Dr. Dan. He and his wife are regulars at the restaurant. For years I’ve noticed Dr. Dan staring intently at my posture, and many times he has handed me his card and said, “Why don’t you make an appointment, I’m right down the street…”

3rdarm balancing center dan fedeli chicago arthur mullen nucca

I received the NUCCA procedure at the Balancing Center: the top vertebrae of my spine was listed to one side, causing my nervous system to lock my hip and knee to support my weight. I had been putting most of my weight on my right leg. After NUCCA I was sore for 3 days, while my left leg adjusted to taking it’s share of my bodyweight. I remember walking back from the office to work, on Clark Street in the rain, body in balance for the first time in my adult life.

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